If you want to change your physique, get stronger, and be more physically capable in life, lifting weights is the way to go. At Bohemian BarBelle we offer a variety of structured weight training programmes to suit any goal from people wanting to improve their running to moms returning to the
gym postpartum to athletes pursuing a strength sport.

Together with a balanced and tailored approach to nutrition, you will see results physically and mentally in as short a time as 6-8 weeks.


Bohemian BarBelle offers a variety of small group strength and conditioning classes with a board-based workout featuring a daily strength portion and a short intense conditioning portion. The classes are also part of the open gym time in which you can follow your own programme under the guidance of your coach.


Specific nutrition and training are available on my app for you to access anytime, anywhere in the world. With this option, you get a variety of meal plan options, eBooks, online access to your coach at any time, and fully customised training.


The following app-based programmes are available to choose from:

Bikini programme – 6-week strength and conditioning programme with full body training days and light cardio.

Build a booty programme – 6-week glute-focused programme designed to strengthen your posterior chain and grow your glutes.

12-2-21 – Running and strength programme with set paces, distances and intervals as well as strength days to get you to your first 21km race or to improve your 21km time.

8-2-10 – Eight-week running programme to help you get to your first 10km or to
improve your 10km time.

6-week cycling programme – Strength and cycling programme with set intervals, distances and strength days to get you cycling fit.


Behind all great physical transformations is a process of learning, understanding, and implementing the right nutrition to fit the outcome. There is no one-size-fits-all when it comes to nutrition, however, the basics will always remain the same. At Bohemian BarBelle Club we work from the ground up, starting from the basics and only moving forward once these are daily habits. If you’re ready to take the next step in your journey towards better health, learning how to manage your nutrition is the first step in a vital process that will set you up for life.


Mobility is the ability to move well. And who doesn’t want to move well?
Yet mobility is undervalued and underutilised in most forms of exercise. At Bohemian BarBelle we make it part of every workout from the warm up to the homework for class-based workouts to online coaching programmes, mobility is part of the plan.

Not only will mobility workouts help improve strength, stamina, flexibility, and balance, they are a crucial aspect of being healthy. Mobility is NOT the same as stretching.

In addition to this as a Bohemian you will be entitled to many online short Pilates YouTube classes which you can access any time.


Powerlifting is a form of competitive weightlifting in which contestants attempt three types of lift in a set sequence.


Squatting a barbell to
below parallel

Bench Press:

A chest press exercise
with the barbell


Lifting a loaded barbell
off the floor


Looking for a goal to work towards or a short-term motivation? Take a look at some of the challenges we run. Each is designed with the intention of helping you reach a desired goal by the end of the timeframe and with built-in accountability and support along the way.
Keep an eye on our social media pages for the next upcoming challenge.


8-week Introduction to Nutrition

New Year Kick Start

Winter Warmer Challenge

Healthy Habits Challenge

90-Day Transformation Challenge




R1500 a month

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R1250 a month

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R450 per hour

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R2500 a month

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R1800 a month

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Bohemian BarBelle Club
Cape Town